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7:45pm - 9:00pm

Thursday - 7:30pm - 9:00pm

karate linton lane centre

Small traditional Karate & Ju Jitsu club.
Non-political and open to all.
Training held on a Tuesday & Thursday.

Classes are £5.00 or £40 per month.


For more details please contact David at:



or Keith at:



What is Karate?



Karate may be defined as a weaponless means of self-defense. It consists of dynamic offensive and defensive techniques using all parts of the body to their maximum advantage. Karate- is a Martial Art for the development of character through training, so that the exponent can surmount any tangible or intangible obstacle. Karate is an empty-handed form of self-defence in which the arms and legs are trained to fend off any would-be attacker.

Karate is exercise through which the karateka masters all body movements. The techniques of karate are well controlled according to the karate-ka's will power and are directed at the target accurately and spontaneously.

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karate linton lane centre

Karate Practice


Karate practice is divided into:


Kihon (drilling of stances, blocks, punches, strikes and kicks)


Kata (pre-arranged forms simulating combat situations)


Kumite (sparring)


In each category, the beginner is given instruction at the most basic level until the techniques become spontaneous. As the student progresses technically, he or she progresses physically as well, and advanced practices demand greater stamina. At this stage, the student becomes involved with more intricate and difficult katas and more dynamic forms of kumite. As the student approaches black belt level, technique, stamina, speed, and coordination become natural as a result of strong practice. It is at this stage that the serious student discovers that his or her study of karate has only just begun. The object of true karate practice is the perfection of oneself through the perfection of the art.

The essence of karate techniques is KIME. The meaning of kime is an explosive attack to the target using maximum power in the shortest time.

Kime may be accomplished by striking, punching or kicking, but also through blocking. A technique lacking kime can never be regarded as true karate. Karate can be broken down into five basic areas of study. Kata, Kumite (sparring), Kihon (basics), Self-defence and Bunkai (application of kata).

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karate linton lane centre

Karate as Self Defense


Karate is one of the most dynamic of all the martial arts. A trained karateka is able to coordinate mind and body perfectly, thereby allowing the unleashing of tremendous physical power at will. Therefore, it is not the possession of great physical strength that makes a strong karateka; rather it is the ability to coordinate mind and body. Upon developing this ability, even the smallest person finds that he or she has within himself or herself the power to deliver a devastating blow to any would-be attacker.

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The Benefits of Karate


In our everyday lives we often forget the value of exercise to both our physical and mental health. The practice of karate tones the body, develops coordination, quickens reflexes, and builds stamina.

Also, the serious practice of karate develops composure, a clearer thought process, deeper insight into one's mental capabilities, and more self-confidence. In this, karate is not an end, but a means to an end. It is an activity in which advancing age is not a hindrance. Rather it encourages proficiency in the keen coordination of mind and body.

Yoseikan Ryu Ju Jitsu


Jujitsu is a martial art which reflects the movements of the attacker back upon him or her. It has been practiced in Japan since the 16th century, although it has its origins in Chinese martial arts. Jujitsu uses a series of joint locks, small weaponry, and defensive tactics in combination with conserved energy to neutralize an attacker. Many other martial arts such as Judo and Aikido have their roots in this form.

The word means the practice of gentleness, and in addition to learning the moves associated with Jujitsu, students also make changes in their characters. This marital art is supposed to focus and calm the students, with the aim of making them better martial artists and more refined individuals as well. The movements are efficient, flowing, and circular, and it is a distinctly beautiful martial art to watch. Jujitsu is also usually practised within a very small circle, and many moves have been refined for close quarters fighting.


What Is Kobudo?


Strictly translated, the Japanese word Kobudo covers all ancient martial traditions, armed or unarmed, of Okinawa or Japan. Today, when specifically referring to Okinawan traditions, the term Kobudo is most often used to describe the weapons and traditions of the Ryukyu Islands.


These weapons include:


Sai (iron truncheon)


Nunchaku (horse bridle)


Kama (sickle)


Tekko (metal knuckles)


Tsuifa (millstone handle)


Eiku (oar)


Timbi (shield and short spear)


Bo (6ft wooden pole)


Jo(3ft wooden stick)


Tanto ( wooden dagger)


Kobuto (key stick)


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