Down The Lane With...
Episodes 1 to 10

Welcome to Linton Lane's community podcast. Each week we try to highlight a charity , service or local event which is providing benefit to the local area.

Episode 1...ADAPT
ADAPT is the main drug and alcohol triage service in Fife. It provides assessment of need and referral to specialist drug and alcohol services within the NHS and Third Sector.
Michael McLaren speaks with Substance Misuse Manager David Dempster to look at what ADAPT offers and how if is having a positive effect on the local community.
David Dempster
Substance Misuse Manager

Episode 2...Grow Baby
Growbaby Fife is a charity founded by Kirkcaldy Vineyard Church. Their goal is to provide free good quality clothes & equipment to families with children aged 0-5 years. Reaching out to anyone who needs it, regardless of faith, background or income.
Julie Struthers
Founding member

Episode 3...Kirkcaldy in 50 Objects
Kirkcaldy In 50 Objects is a project which began in 2020 by three local history enthusiasts. Every month it showcases a part of Kirkcaldy's heritage via their website and the local press. Project researcher Alan Crombie explains how the project came about and what he hopes it will mean for the town.
Alan Crombie
Project Researcher

Episode ...4 Care and Share Companionship
Care and Share Companionship is a Kirkcaldy based charity founded in 2019 by Teresa Naylor. Their aim is to provide a befriending service by matching volunteers with their clients - or "friends" as they are referred to by the organisation - in the hope of creating sustained companionship which has mutual benefit to both the volunteer and the friend.
Teresa Naylor

Episode 5...Home Start Kirkcaldy
Home Start Kirkcaldy is part of a 268 strong network making up the Home Start Service. Each week volunteers visit families with young children who may be struggling with isolation, bereavement, multiple births, illness, disability or who are just finding parenting a struggle .
Eleanor Thomson
Senior Co-ordinator
Episode 6...The Cottage Family Centre

Pauline Buchan
The cottage family centre in Templehall has been serving the local community for over thiry years providing a service which caters for the needs of families with pre-school children.
Having remained open throughout the year despite the disruption of Covid, The Cottage is now in the process of organising their annual Christmas Appeal with a target of £35,000
Marion McPherson is joined today by Cottage Manager Pauline Buchan to discuss the background of the charity and how people can help with their appeal.
Episode 7...The Balwearie Befrienders
A few weeks ago I spoke with Teresa Naylor from the befriending charity Care and Share Companionship. She told me about a group of pupils from Balwearie High School in Kirkcaldy who had taken up an offer of writing to the people who would normally be visited by Care and Share but for reasons regarding Covid were forced into isolation.
I am joined to day by Roslyn, Finton, Rosie and Camryn who helped keep lines of sommunication open to people who may otherwise have been left with no-one.
Roslyn, Finton,
Rosie and Camryn
Episode 8...Raith Rovers Community Foundation
Raith Rovers Community Foundation is a local charity which is supported by Raith Rovers FC and the Scottish Professional Football League Trust.
Their aim is to support community development and community learning initiatives to help improve the lives and environment of local people in Central Fife and is the community arm of Raith Rovers Football Club.
Development Manager Paul Greig and volunteer Steven Macrimmon speak today with Marion Mcpherson about what the organisation provides and what they are hoping to achieve over the Christmas season.
Volunteer Stephen McCrimmon and
Development Manager Paul Greig

This week in what will probably be the last podcast of the year for us Marion is speaking with the Development Manager of the Linton Lane Centre itself along with one of the Centre’s board members Frank Frame.
In a year which saw all of the groups suspended for months, some of which still are, and the very real danger of the Centre closing for good, Mandy managed to keep things open here providing a venue for the Foodbank all throughout the lockdown.
And when things were looking very bleak the Centre found itself bailed out with the
support of the local community in the form of incredibly generous donations.
So how has the last year been, what are the plans for Christmas and where does Linton Lane see itself going into next year and beyond?
Episode 9...Linton Lane at Christmas
Centre Development Manager Mandy Henderson and Board member Frank Frame

Episode 10...Pete's Man Chat Movement
Hi there and welcome to the first Down The Lane With… episode of the New Year.
As everyone is painfully aware we are in the middle of strict regulations at the moment so this interview has been recorded via Skype. Apologies for the lower quality of audio.
Today’s guest is Peter Melville who is the creator of the group “Pete’s Man Chat Movement” – a group aiming to provide men a place to come together and discuss difficulties in their lives and also a place to find ways of overcoming their problems in a welcoming social environment.
Peter Melville
Group Creator