Down The Lane With...
Episodes 41 to 50

Welcome to Linton Lane's community podcast. Each week we try to highlight a charity , service or local event which is providing benefit to the local area.

Episode 41...Clued Up

Clued Up aims to provide a comprehensive, “youth friendly” substance misuse support and information service for young people under-25 in the Fife area.
It also aims to encourage young people to make positive lifestyle changes to assist them to become responsible and active members of their own communities and society as a whole.
Today I am speaking with Kev Scott, team leader at the Clued Up Project to find out about the difference they are making in the Fife area.
Kev Scott
Team Leader
Episode 42...Sands Fife

Sands Fife is part of a national stillbirth and neonatal death charity offering bereavement support and advice to those who have undergone the tragic loss of a child which; this includes the friends and extended family members who have been affected.
Among their services is their Christmas pack which is made up of advice and tips for those living with their loss at this time of year.
Today I am speaking with volunteer Janice Norris to find out more about the Fife Sands project.
Janine Norris
Episode 43...Fife Community Interpreting Service
Fife Community Interpreting Service is a charity which has been providing interpreters and translators for the migrants in the Fife Community and beyond for over 25 years.
Working closely with groups like Citizens Advice and the Health Services its aims are to ensure those who arrive in the UK lacking a fluency in English receive the support they need with accurately registering documentation and with the vital communication of health related issues.
Today I am speaking with Company Secretary Jim Cooper to find out more about FCIS and the people they support.
Jim Cooper
Company Secretary

Episode 44...Support in Mind Scotland
Support in Mind Scotland is a nation mental health charity with 21 branches across Scotland, the Fife one being located in Methil.
Beginning as a charity specifically supporting people with schizophrenia it now aims to provide assistance and guidance to anyone with mental health issues.
Their services are divided into three main areas which they deliver with a combination of peer support and one to one support.
I’m speaking today with support worker Moira Duncan to find out more about the organisation and the services they provide.
Moira Duncan
Support Worker

Episode 45...Men's Sheds
For several years Men’s Sheds have been growing in popularity in Scotland, the UK and beyond. These grassroots projects have been set up to encourage members of the community to come together and work on projects which include everything from gardening to assembling computers.
Aside from the social interaction this provides for people, the results of the work itself can often become a benefit to the community in general.
I’m speaking today with committee member John Carkit to discuss what goes on at the Sheds and what people get out of it.
John Carkit
Committee Member

Episode 46...Safer Communities Fife

Safer Communities Fife is a combination of services which aim to tackle everyday problems Fifers may find themselves facing from fly tipping to noisy neighbours to antisocial behaviour in general.
I’m speaking today with Safer Communities officer Bryan Kirk to talk about what the team provide how they came about and how they can be of benefit to people facing difficulties in their communities.
Bryan Kirk
Safer Communities
Episode 47...Link Living

Link living is a national charity with a local branch here in Kirkcaldy located at Westbridge Mill in Bridge Street.
The organisation’s stated aims are to assist people recover from the negative impacts of trauma and disadvantage. The ways in which it does this are numerous and lead to an overall holistic approach including building resilience ion young people, assisting with education and steering people through times of homelessness.
I’m speaking today with Chief Executive Sarah Smith to discuss just a few of the ways in which Link Living is making a big difference for people across Scotland.
Sarah Smith
Chief Executive
Episode 48...Grow Myself

Grow Myself is a personal development Company which specialises in community learning and development, coaching and neurolinguistic programming training and certification.
Company founder and development coach George Zielinski has arranged for free taster personal development sessions here at Linton Lane Centre which will run tonight the 18th of February and next Friday the 25th of February with everyone welcome.
I spoke with George earlier in the week to find out about what these sessions had to offer.
George Zielinski
Founder and
Development Coach
Episode 49...Fife Tenant Participation Team

Fife Council Tenants Participation promotes and actively encourages interaction between residents in Fife and those providing housing services across the region. One of the most common ways this is done is by assisting in the formation of a Tenants Resident Association.
This group then represents the neighbourhood which has created it and acts as an official interface between the residents and the council.
Today I’m speaking with Rab Clark from the Participation Team to find out more about what they provide.
Rab Clark
Tenant Participation
Team Member
Episode 50...BRAG Enterprises
Benarty Regenration Action Group began as a grassroots organisation formed in 1988 to provide aid to those in what is known as the Benarty Basin in Central Fife who were particularly affected by the pit closures in the mid-1980s.
Since then it has evolved into a thriving charity still committed to its core principles of securing employment for the local community by assisting with all aspects of finding work while also providing help with social isolation, food poverty and skills training along with many other services.
I am speaking today with Employability Key Workers Trevor Crombie and Gavin Harrower to learn more about what BRAG Enterprises offers for the people in Fife.
Trevor Crombie & Gavin Harrower
Employability Key