Down The Lane With...
Episodes 11 - 20

Welcome to Linton Lane's community podcast. Each week we try to highlight a charity , service or local event which is providing benefit to the local area.

Episode 11...Siblings Reunited - The Star Project

Karen Morrison
Siblings Reunited otherwise known as the STAR project was formed in 2013 by Karen Morrison after she became aware of the large numbers of brothers and sisters who were being separated after going into care. According to one study carried out at the University of Strathclyde it was found that seven in ten siblings are separated in the system. This can then lead to years passing without contact.
As a foster Carer herself Karen had first-hand experience of these separations and set out to create a place where brother and sisters who had been separated could come together for a time to maintain contact throughout their period in care. This led to the creation of The Star Project – a farm location in the north of Fife which provides children with a wealth of activities which they can participate in with the family members they are separated from.
So far the project has reunited close to 500 children.
Episode 12...David Latto - On Fife's Atrist in Residence

David Latto
Project Songwriter
Today Marion is speaking with songwriter David Latto who is part of Fife Cultural Trust’s Artist Residences.
Inspired by a project he witnessed in London David has taken on the task of speaking to people in the local community and then turning their life stories into songs.
These will include one of the Linton Lane group members Arthur Strutt and also
longtime friend of the Centre Tam The Hat Frame.
As with the recent shows this interview was recorded remotely.
Episode 13...The Wells Near Me

Aleks Atanasova
Project Co-ordinator
This week Michael is speaking with Aleks Atanasova, Project Coordinator of the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership programme The Wells, a group set up in 2018 to provide proverbial wells of information to the community regarding everything going on in the local area.
A Fife wide project, the Kirkcaldy branch of The Wells was operating from within the Mercat Centre in Kirkcaldy but due to Covid, has now had to move its operation online.
Using interactive software the project is currently running under the name The Wells Near Me and is managing to continue to help people find what they are looking for - everything from knitting groups to advice on benefits.

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Episode 14...A Veteran's Best Friend

This week Michael is speaking with Mick Cairns founder of AVeteran's Best Friend. As a former Royal Marine living with PTSD Mick has firsthand knowledge of the mental stress veterans can find themselves facing. Where Mick’s story is a little different is that he found support from his dog Sam.This led him to look into the benefits animals can have for people living with stress and ultimately to him forming his charity
Although currently without a premises Linton Lane is hoping to host this charity as soon as regulations make this possible.
Mick Cairns

Episode 15...The Wee Wrigglers
Today Michael is speaking with Lauren Jones Outreach Worker with Torbain Parish Church in Kirkcaldy. Like many places Torbain Church has had to tailor the services they offer the community to meet the ever changing regulations we are all dealing with. Lauren is here today to explain how the Church’s toddlers group is successfully adapting to the guidelines and continuing to offer support for parents.
Outreach Worker
Lauren Jones
Episode 16...Lang Toun Cycles - Greener Kirkcaldy

Greener Kirkcaldy is a local based charity focused on developing and promoting solutions to environmental and social problems including fuel poverty and food insecurity.
The organisation is also very keen to encourage cycling and has several projects running to make bikes more accessible to people including electronic bikes.
As from last year they now have their own bike shop located in the High Street called Lang Toun Cycles offering everything from bike hire to bike maintenance courses.
Today Michael is speaking with Susan Jeynes, Active Travel Development Worker, to find out what Greener Kirkcaldy offers the town’s residents who may be interested in getting into cycling.
Susan Jeynes
Active Travel Development Worker
Episode 17...The Lodge Templehall

Alistair Gibson
Right Worshipful Master
Lodge Templehall
For most people Freemasonry is something which has an element of mystery about it and seems a bit closed off to anyone who is not part of the membership. What most people also possibly don’t know is that the Lodges are very active in contributing to the welfare of their communities.
Here at Linton Lane this has been something we have seen firsthand as in the last year Lodge Templehall has helped out the Community Centre with our projects to a sum in excess of ten thousand pounds.
Today Michael is speaking with Lodge member Alistair Gibson to have a look at the charity work carried out by Freemasons and also a bit of background to the organisation itself.
Episode 18...Fife Gingerbread

Kerry Jones
Support Worker
In 1970 a single mother living in London decided to set up a support group for other parents like her to help to combat some of the loneliness she felt.
From this a new charity providing support groups was born. It was called Gingerbread – named after the café where the first support group met. Over the last fifty years it has grown into a national organisation.
Today Michael is speaking with Kerry Jones Support Worker with Fife Gingerbread to highlight the support works and services which go on from their Glenrothes base.
Episode 19...Men Ask Now
Men Ask Now are a recently formed trio of Ladies from Leslie who have been personally affected by the results of untreated mental health problems which lead to a family member taking his own life. This prompted them into taking action and setting out to raise awareness of the potentially devastating reluctance men can have in asking for help when they find themselves facing mental health issues.
Lori, Chelsea and Laura create in their homes, products such as t-shirts, mugs, hoodies and caps displaying the Men Ask Now logo. These they sell throughout the local community and online; a percentage of the proceeds go towards men’s health charity Brothers In Arms and the remaining money goes back into their project.
Today they are speaking with guest presenter and facilitator of Pete’s Man Chat Movement Pete Melville to discuss how they got where they presently are and where they hope to take things.

Lori, Chelsea and Laura
Group Founders
Brothers In Arms Site
M.A.N Page
Episode 20...Alzheimer Scotland

Alzheimer Scotland is a national charity with 21 Resource Centres throughout the country.
​It’s aim is to make sure people do not face dementia alone and seeks to provide support for those with dementia and their families. Among the many services they supplying are dementia advisors, a 24 hour helpline and a range of activities for people held within their Centre in Kirkcaldy.
​I’m speaking today with Yvonne Bryce and Jackie Cameron of Alzheimers Fife to talk about what else goes on in their organisation and how they are supporting the local community.
Jackei Cameron Community
Connexions Senior Practitioner &
Yvonne Bryce
Connexions Co-ordinator